Система упражнений в организации обучения чтению текстов лингвострановедческого содержания и этапы работы с ними

Образование и педагогика » Формирование навыков и умений чтения на основе текстов лингвострановедческой тематики » Система упражнений в организации обучения чтению текстов лингвострановедческого содержания и этапы работы с ними

Страница 2

Whom does this expression belong to?

How does it characterize the person?

Card 2

Use the text to choose words to characterize Oliver Cromwell.

How do they describe that person?

Card 3

1. Use the text to find the words and combinations of words that mean;

a) not to tell a lie; b) to mention good and bad parts of a character; c) to describe somebody better than he is; d) to do what one is told to do; e) a person whose reign is based on strict rules and an army.

Which of the two leaders can be described with the words in ex. 1?

How does it characterize that person?

Card 4

What does the word "Puritan" mean?

a) A person who is supposed to wear clean clothes; b) A person who is said to be strict in morals and religion; c) A person who is reported to be rather superstitious; d) A person who rules the country as a dictator.

Whom does this word ("Puritan") describe?

Who can be called a Puritan? How does it characterize a person?

Card 5

What activities did a Puritan consider to be sinful?

How do these ideas characterize the Puritans?

What person (leader) is described with the help of these activities? Why do you think so?

Список вопросов для группового обсуждения.

List № 1

Look through all the answers you've got in your group.

Discuss the following question. "What kind of person was Oliver Cromwell?"

Be ready to answer it.

List № 2

Look through all the answers you've got in your group

Discuss the following question: "What kind of religion was Puritanism? How did it influence

Be ready to answer it.

List № 3

Look through all the answers you've got m your group.

Discuss the following question: "What kind of person was King Charles II?"

Be ready to answer it.

List № 4

Look through all the answers you’ve got in your group.

Do the following task together: "Compare the garments of two leaders (their differences and preferences)."

Be ready to answer it.

Работа в «домашней» группе

Go back to your home group. Exchange your ideas with your pari net s. Be ready to answer the questions:

What kind of person was Oliver Cromwell?

What kind of person was King Charles II?

How did they influence the way people dressed?

Страницы: 1 2 

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